Muddle Through
I remember hearing General Schwarzkopf say in a TV Interview during operation Desert Storm, that they made their plans and then carried them out, but sometimes when they got on the ground, in the midst of the battle they found themselves in a confusing mess (I'm paraphrasing). So then he said when that happens, they just have to "muddle through."
Many people that I am seeing nowadays are in that situation. Everything is a mess. There are no easy answers. There is not enough income to pay all the necessities. For them the best advice I can give is to "just muddle through. Events will unfold as time goes by, decisions will be made or forced upon you, just muddle through the best you can."
We all have to understand what we have control over and what we don't have control over. Act on what you can act on, and the rest, well, leave to God. Learn from the situation as much as you can, forgive yourself and believe that you will be ok. Sometimes life's richest lessons and experiences are gained in the muddling times. I know it's hard. I've been there. You will be ok.
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