FISCal Cents

Daily tips to help you manage your money better!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Is your desk buried in papers?

A couple of years ago I got it all figured out and had a perfect system to handle all my papers. Wow, the dining room table was clear every day! But look at my desk at home today (and my dining room table) you'd never know I have a system. So believe me when I say I understand what it's like to struggle to stay on top of all those papers that come in every day.

But there is one thing that I have done and keep up with all the time--having one place to put bills when they come in. If you need a place to start, this is it. Designate one place to be a container for the bills. I like Julie Morgenstern's advice in her book, "Organizing from the Inside Out," to choose a container that you really like. I use a basket and keep it on my desk. Other people use a file folder in a drawer labeled, "Bills to Pay." You could also use an accordian file with 13 folders one for each month, and one for the bills.

The container itself is not important, what is important is having one and always putting your bills in there. While you are at it, find a container for your receipts. Again you can pick one that you really like. I use a wicker index card file box with a lid which I keep on a shelf. Whenever you have a receipt for an item that may need to be returned, put it in that container. Keep it simple. Usually you won't need any receipts, but when you do need to find one it will be in there, with the most recent ones first, and will only take a minute to find.

Along with this choose two days a month when you will pay bills. This is much simpler than writing checks each time a bill arrives. Mark these days on you calendar. Keep a list with your bills as to which get paid on the first date of the month and which on the second. Then there is no forgetting. I have found the billpay service that is free at my bank to be a tremendous time saver, as well as saving the cost of postage and checks.

These simple changes can make a huge difference in your finances and your peace of mind. If you need help, at FISC we have counselors who can help you to work out a system for yourself and help you figure out how to pay all those bills. Just return to our homepage for more information.


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